The milestones for preemies and micropreemies are a bit different. Milestones may be the wrong word to describe some of these events since some of these "milestones" are monumental and others are things that other parents just take for granted, like the day they first held their baby. For some of us, that day comes long after the day the baby is born.
Since this is a bit of a "catch-up" blog, Eliza's milestones that everyone may has missed are:
April 10, 2006, first held by me, 25 days after she was born;
April 19, 2006, reached the goal weight of 1000 grams;
May 13, 2006, reached 3 pounds;
May 14, 2006, was finally weaned off the ventilator to BiPAP;
May 21, 2006, weaned off of CPAP;
May 24, 2006, drank from her first bottle;
June 23, 2006, came home from the hospital;
August 30, 2006, weaned from oxygen.
Eliza's other, more usual milestones came much later. She rolled over for the first time on January 9, 2007; crawled for the first time on March 14, 2007, the day before her birthday; stood up for the first time on April 5, 2007 and first walked on August 17, 2007, just after she turned 17 months.
Photo: Eliza Grace at 11 Months Old
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