Perhaps Eliza's latest ailment was caused by drinking too much bath water? Hmmmmm. Unlikely.
Since Thursday night Eliza has been wheezing, gasping for breath and miserable. She has also been vomiting at night almost hourly. Never a good thing unless you own the Scott towel company. So after a visit to the pediatrician it appears she has a touch of pneumonia, probably from aspirating some vomit. Nice. It's been a fun few days here fighting with the nebulizer and trying to get a bunch of syrupy meds into Eliza and sleeping in stretches of one to two hours at a time.
The visit also revealed that despite a month of new formula with a higher caloric value and adding some nasty stuff called Benecalorie to her yogurt Eliza has gained only 3 ounces. Makes you wonder what she would have lost on her normal diet. The pediatrician seems to think that Eliza may have delayed gastric emptying. The nutritionist from the feeding clinic also mentioned the same thing. This might explain why she has never been able to consume more than four ounces of anything at any one time. So when we visit the GI on Friday, I'll see what he thinks about this theory. It makes sense though. Also since she has been on her "souped up" diet she has pretty much vomited every night at 10 p.m., which may be a result of the higher osmolarity of the new formula. The past few days though she has no "solids" a/k/a yogurt and only about 16 ounces of formula has stayed in on any given day. Can't wait to see what she weighs next Friday.
So hope springs eternal for some new and improved answer to Eliza's inability to eat.