The important milestones in Eliza's life don't always relate to her developmental achievements. Sometimes they are milestones that she shares with the people most important to her.
On October 19, 2007 Eliza's Nannie, my Mom, celebrated her 85th birthday. To my knowledge there are only about 3 known pictures of my mother facing a camera and once again I was unable to capture one this weekend. I think though she enjoys looking at Eliza more than looking at a camera, which is fine by me. This has been a hard year for my Mom since my Dad had to be put in a nursing home. I can't imagine dealing with that kind of change after 57 years of marriage.
My Mom is a "tough cookie" as they say. She was born on a 5 square mile island in the West Indies, with a population of about 1000, most of whom seem to be some sort of cousin. She came to America in her late twenties and married a nice boy from Brooklyn. When she left Saba in 1948, she had never seen a television or even have the benefit of electricity or running water, so landing in NYC was quite the shocker. Now that my Dad is in a nursing home she visits him twice a day and walks the mile each way. Four miles of walking a day at 85 isn't anything to sneeze at.
When she found out I was going to become a rather "old" single mother at 45 she was much more supportive than I ever gave her credit for. When Eliza was in the NCCU, my Mom sat at her isolette for hours, virtually willing Eliza to live. Her devotion to Eliza is unwavering. I think sometimes she is trying to make as many memories for Eliza as she can since she knows she probably won't be here to celebrate Eliza's 20th or 30th birthday. Then again maybe she will be with us then since her parents
My Mom was born to be a grandmother. She can make Eliza giggle endlessly, reads books to her until her eyes are bleary, will stay up late with her when she is fussy or not well, makes fench toast and pancakes with the firm belief that this will be the day Eliza eats and of course has crocheted quite a few blankets for her. She has even created the "Eliza Cabinet" in the kitchen. Eliza is one lucky baby to have my Mom for her Nannie.
This is beautiful. And I'm sorry..."Old single mother?" Psssh. If you're gonna live 'til you're 95, 45 is like my 35. You're riiiight on track and Eliza couldn't ask for better. (I'm usually giving you hard time. These compliments are unusual, but surprisingly quite easy to write.)
ReplyDeleteThis was really poignant. I wish that my mom, who is pretty close to your mom's age, lived a bit closer to us (she's still in NYC). That way she'd get to know Hallie better. I have to hand it to my mom, though; I gave her my old Mac a few years ago and she's become a very proficient computer user. Having Hallie's blog out there has been a major incentive for her, but then again, so is online shopping and research.
ReplyDeleteLet's hear it for somewhat more mature mothers and grandmothers!
Indeed, Eliza is blessed to have your parents in her life. I am amazed by your parents devotion to her, it is so sweet.
ReplyDeleteAs for the age thing, I like to think you are a spry 45. And heck, if you follow in your Mom's footsteps, you'll be blogging about Eliza's grandbabies! :)
What a lovely way to start my morning....a new posting. Old Single Mom indeed. Your Saba Heritage insures your strength. Eliza Grace is truly a blessing and came into your life at just the right moment. She has blessed the life of everyone who comes in contact with her. Your Dad sees her and remembers her. Your Mom adores her and gathers strength because of her. She has blessed my life as well with her precious face.
ReplyDeleteKeep up this history and walk 4 miles a's working for your Mom!
Much love to you both.
I am sorry you are down. I read your e-mail earlier. Caitlin was about the same size as Eliza at her age. Caitlin is still only a little over 20 lbs and she will be 2 years old in about another month in a half. Hang in there I know what you mean. We are struggling right now with Caitlin eating. She likes to pocket her food and doesn't like to swallow so really the only way we are getting calories in her is by bottle.
ReplyDeleteeliza is so goergous!!!!!!!!!!