Where is the Island of Misfit Toys when you need it? I was lucky enough to receive an email from Hasbro Toys offering a discount on the "Baby Alive Doll." Only $49.99 with free shipping! A bargain! Having been lured to the Hasbro website I was astonished to see that Baby Alive has been around for several decades and that continuous improvements have been made to Baby Alive so that your toddler's pretend play is more realistic than ever.
BABY ALIVE Doll (Caucasian)- Product Detail
The Product Description reads as follows:
Playing “mommy” is more fun than ever with BABY ALIVE, the doll that “eats” and “poops” like a real baby! Feed her or give her a bottle, and then get ready to change her messy diaper! She’s ready to play, laugh and talk with you… and you will love taking care of her!
When this doll is “hungry” you can mix up some of her special doll food! She really "eats" and tells you how she likes it with fun electronic phrases like, “Mmm…good!” She’ll even tell you it’s time to change her diaper when she says, “Uh-oh, I made a stinky!” When your BABY ALIVE doll is tired, she gets drowsy and falls asleep!
Doll comes with dress, 2 doll diapers, bottle with nipple and cap, bowl, spoon, 4 packets of doll food and bib.
Includes 4 "AA" batteries. Baby Alive has even won awards:
NAPPA Awards – Honors Family Fun Grand Prize Winner & Top 10 list (#5)
Creative Child Magazine
Seal of Excellence Award
Dolls for Preschoolers CategoryIf the pooping Baby Alive doesn't suit you or your toddler, you could try
Baby Alive Pat 'n Burp

Or Baby Alive Sip 'n Slurp

Better yet Baby Alive Wets 'n Wiggles

Or my personal favorite, Baby Alive Sip 'n Snooze

I will admit to being fearful of Baby Alive Poops-a-Lot so since Eliza neither sips her bottle too often and has yet to fully enjoy a snooze, I'm going to order up a Baby Alive Sips 'n Snooze so I can finally figure what the heck these other parents are talking about when they tell me about their wee ones who plow through 60 ounces of formula a day and have take two hour naps. Pretend play can be so much more rewarding than real life!
Just ask the fine folks at Hasbro.