I do try to refrain from reading the evaluations by the physical therapists (Eliza has two! one at home and one at the rehab center), occupational therapist for sensory issues, the occupational-feeding therapist, the speech therapist, the speech-feeding therapist and the nutritionist (perhaps I should call her the nutrition therapist for consistency?). So until I have enough xanax in my system to sit down and read these reports I delude myself into believing that Eliza is really acting quite close to her corrected of two.
But those scraps of paper call me to them to read them over and over and over again. So although the developmental pedi, who sees Eliza a few times a year seemed to think she was pretty spanky except for feeding, the folks who see her each day have a different tale to tell.
Now I do love that each of these evaluations is based upon some Scale/Quotient/Index or Profile, kind of like the Richter Scale for earthquakes. So here is a brief summary of how Eliza fared in the last 12 months:
Gross Motor: Eliza scored a 70 on the "Peabody 2" (an apparent improvement over the old Peabody 1 Scale). This puts her in the 2d percentile meaning, in layman's terms, that 98% of the kids in the playground can kick her ass.
Fine Motor: Eliza did not score so well on the Michigan Early Intervention Development Profile. She scored in the 16 to 19 month age range, or a 30% delay. Personally I think we would have fared better on the Saban Early Intervention Development Profile, but no one asks for my opinion.
Sensory: Apparently there is no profile named for a person or state for this one. But despite the secrecy of the author of this test, Eliza scored with a 50% delay ... translation: You average 14 month old can deal with the world way better than Little Miss can.
Speech: Now this is more complicated since there are two sets of tests. One for Language Comprehension Skills and the other for Language Expression Skills. Fortunately Mr. Rossetti designed one big scale for both, the "RITLS" or Rossetti Infant-Toddler Language Scales. On the receptive side of life Eliza scored at a 21 month old, giving her a 25% delay. The expressive side, not-so-much. Eliza only made it to the 15 month old level putting her at about a 40% delay.
Feeding: I have saved the best for last. According to the Developmental Pre-Feeding Checklist from Morris and Klein, your average 9 month old can nosh on a hamhock better than Eliza. We had quite a bit more than a 50% delay.
So overall a super day for assessments!
But Eliza is cute....at least according to the Richter Scale.
What I want to know is how they decide the norms and means, anyway. Last I checked (anecdotally, at least) none of the typical born-on-time-not-a-care-in-the-world-we-don't-even-know-what-our-kid-weighs set didn't subject their brilliant, playground ass-kicking, reading the Iliad---heck, writing the damned Iliad, which is quite a feat since it was after all an oral tale---little Einsteins to the Bailey/Rossetti/God Knows Who Else tests. They just live. So how do they figure out that a kid is supposed to jump puddles while sliding, swinging, and reciting the National Anthem anyway? That said, I know this is a hard pill to bite into (and even spit out). I think that all of us know quite well that our kids, while they are doing so much better than the neonatalogists ever expected, don't quite fit in on the playground, at Burger King, or what have you. I wish that there were tests out there to see how bright our kids are, in other ways (the Richter scale perhaps?), not to mention darned cute (which Eliza is). Anyway, if I were closer I'd split a bottle of wine with you and whine with you a bit.
ReplyDeleteI promise you....I soooooo get this post! We had Gracie's....last month, always a depressing day when those results come in! I don't know about you but...I feel like they ask you questions and then don't listen....like it will say.."mom reports she can do the motions to hand songs, therapist did not observe...she needs to do it consistently" My response is..she does it consistently, when she wants to! Maybe she doesn't want to play with you!!! They recommended a wheel chair or walker for us....I was outraged, they saw her walk holding my hand...her sweet justice came two weeks later, when she stood in the middle of the room and walked the entire length!!! She has never looked back...It's also ironic that I read this today...I had a nightmare about our ST....very strange..ANYWAY...we know that your little one is a miracle and from all I have seen and read...she is in the top 98% for survival and thriving!!! Good job mama! :^ )
ReplyDeleteOh, pish! I hate when the dreaded assessments come around! Like Abby, I want to know how do they know what is "normal" anyway?
ReplyDeleteI second the sentiment that Eliza is cute, and in my book she's definitely one smart cookie!
When you gals open the wine, let me know. I'm in need of a glass or two (or twelve).
Until then, lets just celebrate that our kids are ALIVE- and they are AMAZING little ones!