It has this little insert that comes out so you can properly clean said potty chair after it has been used. Eliza in the past has enjoyed using this insert as a cup during shower time (rest assured she had never peed in it prior to using it as a cup):
Recently Eliza has made a few half-hearted attempts to pee in the potty. Tonight Eliza decided that the pink part would look very nice as a hat:
Notice the look of abject terror as Miss Eliza realizes that her potty hat was indeed stuck on her head.
Yup, that thing was stuck and stuck good. After twenty minutes of trying to extricate Eliza's head I was starting to think I'd either have to call the fire department for the Jaws of Life or amputate one of her ears.
Luckliy the ears and potty chair survived the incident. I am however fairly convinced that Eliza will never sit on this thing for fear of what it might do to her hind end!