Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Really Wonder Sometimes What Eliza is Thinking.


  1. What a beautiful daughter you have...thank you for letting us have a glimpse of your lives.

  2. I know that look & I know EXACTLY what she's thinking. That looks says, "Mom, do you have any idea how much I LOVE YOU? All the way to the moon & back! I'm so glad God put me right where I'm supposed to be." :)

    Hugs & Blessings!

  3. She is so pretty. And is that a cracker I see in her hand? :)

    CoCo ...SMC mom to Miranda

  4. Anonymous ... yes an actual graham cracker!

  5. Eliza has such a wise and expressive face. She has beautiful, thoughtful eyes. She's probably thinking about what a great and dedicated mom she has!

  6. Incredibly cute BTW ur blog is like a guide for me I have started buying Nestle Kids choice to supplement Isabel 's diet


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