Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Not That You Were Counting, But...

As of yesterday, Eliza has been home from the NICU for 1,432 days. Add in the 100 days in the NICU and Eliza has been with us for 1,532 days. Of these she has slept through the night 57 nights.

People, this is not good math.


  1. oh man! That does suck!! Why does she wake up every night?


  2. Other than those glorious 57 nights Eliza wakes up between 11:30 and 1:30m every flipping night (peak of my REM sleep I might add). And you wonder why there is not enough Botox on this earth to rid me of my crow's feet! LOL

  3. If it helps, my daughter didn't sleep through the night once until she was six. SIX. and a half. Even then I don't think she slept, she just understood that she wasn't allowed to get out of bed.
    Now that she's a teenager, sleeping is all she ever does.
    It'll improve.


  4. If it gives you any hope - Gavin (5 1/2) probably had a similar ratio of bad nights - this very week he has stayed in his room, door closed ALL NIGHT, ALL WEEK (thus far, so 4 nights). I thought I'd have to wait for him to go to college to get a good night's sleep again but there's hope! Now just 4 more years til the 16 mo old sleeps (ugh)! Think it's genetic?

  5. You amaze me. So often when I read your posts I think "I am never complaining about my situation again." And I have been complaining because Sam has recently started waking me up once a night. But it's been for maybe a week and I've been really lucky most of the rest of the time. I don't know how you do it, Anne. You are truly amazing and inspirational!

  6. Oh no. That's awful...but of course you already knew that. So sorry for you. It's a lucky thing she is so cute, huh?

  7. Ah, you always find a way to make me smile--it has to help that she is so absolutely CUTE! Does she wake up & stay awake the rest of the night?

    Just took Da'Gorgeous 1 to the ENT specialist back @ the Children's Hospital---she's been averaging 2-4 wake ups a night for the last year or so, with some sporadic sleep through the entire night thrown in. She snores, mouth breathes, stops breathing, wakes herself up, wakes us up, tells us she's done sleeping & that it's boring, and we put her back in bed only for the entire cycle to continue again. When we walk in to wake her up in the mornings she yells & throws tantrums because she's tired. Turns out her tonsils are WAY to big & block her airway---so out they come---in August. Until then there will be a small makeshift bed by the side of ours & our door will remain open (praying that one day she'll just walk in, cover herself & fall asleep on the floor). LOL!

    Hugs, Blessings & prayers for more nights of uninterrupted sleep.


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