Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Oh How I Love a Good Competition

Feel like voting for your favorite Single Mom Blog (that would be me).... just go to this link and vote for Life with Eliza Grace. We are way down on the "recently added" page with only one vote so far from some kind soul :(


  1. I voted for you, this is your cousin steve in case you forgot.

  2. How could I not vote for the mother of my junior "partner". John

  3. Hi Anne,

    I voted for you. I am sorry to hear about Eliza's feeding issue.
    I e-mailed you and you were very nice to e-mailed me back. I am from Oklahoma.My child has severe food aversion with lots of other issues that I mentioned in my e-mail. Feeding tube is not the answer and it would be good to avoid that. My child had tube for a long time and it helped but it also delayed her to eat solid food. She is almost five years and eats like five months old baby,she eats only pureed food, does not drink milk. She doesn't have feeding tube anymore because the doctor didn't want that anymore. I make all the foods pureed and she just swallows. She is very tiny but her nutritionist made the food plan for her and she said if she was full from the tube feeding she would never feel hungry and won't learn to eat. My child doesn't want to chew any food though,not even tiny piece of cracker or anything but at least she is swallowing. I hope you don't have to go through the feeding tube and surgeries. Good luck with your doctor's visit and I am sure the doctor will give you some high calorie food ideas.
    Thank you. I have been following your blog for a long time and found it very helpful.


  4. I voted for you too! I was happy to see another single mom by choice on the list.

  5. I voted for you. You are not at the bottom anymore.
    Good luck.

  6. Just discovered your blog through this competition.
    (voted for you of course :-))


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