Since last Thursday night, after Eliza aspirated some vomit, she has refused to eat anything. I should clarify: Eliza has refused to eat her usual whopping 2 to 4 ounces of yogurt a day. Normally on days when she won't eat she would take in 20 or even occasionally 24 ounces of formula. Now she is taking in only a total of 12 ounces of formula on a good day, closer to 10 ounces on average. Four of these ounces have to be given to her an ounce at a time while she is sleeping at night. We've been to the ER for dehydration, which was an abject misery. Eliza's feeding therapist has no idea what to try next. God only knows what the nutritionist is going to do each week since Eliza will not eat anything. The GI wants her to be over her lung problems before he starts investigating the cause of this latest refusal to eat.
In addition to taking in only the bear minimum to stave off total dehydration and barely maintain homeostasis, she now gags at the very sight of a bottle. She can no longer tolerate her nebulizer treatments since the mist blowing on her face makes her hysterical. She has to have her mouth pried open in order to get any meds in. Her vomiting has lessened, from every other hour at night to about 4 times a night. At this point getting enough calories to "grow" isn't even an issue, the focus is now on getting enough fluids not to dehydrate. I am really unsure how long she can go on like this.
I am so sorry about this latest setback. I know you are beyond frustrated.
ReplyDeleteI am hoping that once she gets over this pneumonia, she'll improve in her eating. In the meantime, I am thinking of you and Eliza!
Oh can't you catch break!? I am sure the trip to the ER did nothing but peeve you even more...
ReplyDeleteThinking of you guys and hoping something will click inside her that says GIVE ME YOGURT!
Oh Eliza, please get well soon honey and eat for your poor mama! She just loves you to death, and doesn't know how to help get you better! In the mean time, know that you are both in our thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteDang it, Anne. Seriously. The celebrities are doing this rehab thing 'cause it's cool. Why can't we send our preemies to some sort of facility like that? Eliza and Lincoln could be accountability partners. I can see it now...Eliza trying to hide her yogurt under the table and Lincoln shaking his finger at her and saying, "If you just pretend to be asleep, they will just put food in your mouth and you don't have to work for it. I swear. I've been doing it for months. Works every time." And then Eliza and Lincoln will become rehab buddies and go to UEA (Under Eaters Anonymous, of course) when they finally get out. Lifelong friends. And then they'll grow apart and Eliza will go on the Maury show to try to find her long lost rehab friend, Lincoln and they'll reunite when they're 30 or something and have dinner together and chat about how the texture of tomatoes really makes their skin crawl.
ReplyDeleteBree ... you're killing me!
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry that you both are going through this.