Monday, November 5, 2007


So tonight at dinner an unheard of event occurred. Eliza ate ... are you ready ...
an entire container of Gerber banana puree (3.5 ounces) and 2 ounces of Yobaby yogurt! It did take an hour, 2 rounds of an inane Baby Einstein video and some bubbles but who cares. Personally I think she has figured out what all this talk of a g-tube is about and decided she better change tune ... or could it be the new and improved dose of prevacid?

Wish us luck for tomorrow!


  1. Whatever it is, I applaud it and Eliza and you. Let's hope this is a trend! We're thinking of you guys and crossing our fingers for our own good day but I will say nothing yet since there are still nearly three hours and two bottles left to go for the day.

  2. Thanks Abby ... I'm keeping my fingers crossed that your new brew of goat's milk, karo syrup and persistence works for you guys! Let's see what tomorrow brings.

  3. Whoo, whoo yeah Eliza. Perhaps the aquaphor is coating the way for the food....Who cares, as long as it's working! I'm so glad that you're making forward progress.

  4. Other than two tiny spits (one mommy-induced when Sharon tried to squirt reglan into a sleeping Hallie at 12:30am tonight/this morning and one when she was crawling around right after waking up from a nap bottle), NO vomit today. Even more miraculous is that Hallie WANTED her bottle at 4pm and managed to finish 5.5 ounces in under 20 minutes, which is unheard of (this is typically something that takes an hour). When I tried to remove the bottle from her mouth, she actually gave a little half-sleepy cry and shoved it back in. So either she is feeling better, or she likes the goat milk, or it's totally a coincidence and may never be repeated again. I do hope that it is repeated, because Amy our nanny takes over tomorrow and I want her to have an easy time of things.

  5. That's so great! And bananas as you know have LOTS of calories!
    Go going with the eating Eliza and go going with the patience Mom!


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