Eliza is clearly tired, she actually fell asleep standing up next to the sofa with her head on the cushion (this is normally a feat only achieved by intoxicated college students). As I type this she is in her crib chatting incessantly to herself and her stuffed frog.
She is oddly attracted to Froggie (as can be seen below)and we go no where without Froggie. Is she keeping herself awake in the hope that Froggie finally talks back to her and she doesn't want to miss that? Maybe she is waiting for him to turn into the proverbial Prince Charming (based on the thousands of kisses Froggie has gotten to date with no prince showing up, this is an unlikely occurrence). Who knows what she is thinking but one thing I do know is I'm tired just watching this whole thing!

Oh no Anne, that sounds horrible! Amelia is on a bit of a sleep strike too, but I think that she is just ready to convert from her usual 2 naps/day down to one. The only problem is that Mommy's not ready for that! I really hope Eliza is sleeping better soon!
ReplyDeleteShe looks so cute in that dress...glad I'm not the only one dumb enough to buy a toddler a white dress. Amelia's xmas dress is black and white.
Perhaps I need to keep a sleep log in addition to a food log ... last night slept from 6:30 pm to 8 pm, up until 12, up again at 2 for an hour chatting away, and again at 7 am and back to sleep at 7:30 am.
ReplyDeleteOh Eliza - Go to sleep for your poor Mama. Lincoln has been on some sort of a sleep strike too lately. Suddenly his consistent 15-16 hours of sleep each day (I know. I was truly lucky) has dropped to 12 or so, mostly at night, with no naps (still - I know. I need to keep my mouth shut.)
ReplyDeletePerhaps Santa will bring Eliza some dream dust and you will all get some rest over Christmas.
Hallie's also a night owl---she's up until 10 or 11 easily every night and then HATES getting up in the morning (for her meds and breakfast; we've given up on morning therapy altogether). Then she won't nap at all (for me; she will for Sharon and she might for Ami, her nanny). Oy. Maybe we can get them together and they can keep each other up and all of us could get some sleep? Lincoln's more than welcome, and any other sleep-striking kids, too!
ReplyDeleteBree .... 16 hours???? 12 hours???? I am crying here! Tell me more about what this is like so I can live vicariously thorugh you!
ReplyDeleteOne of Eliza's therapists wanted to come at 8 a.m. I couldn't stop laughing at the suggestion. When I tried to explain that when I said we could do a "morning" appointment that I meant oh, say 10or 10:30, she looked at me like I was nuts.
ReplyDeleteYes. I know. I'm not sure how we lucked out. Lincoln hits a brick wall around 6:30 PM and is asleep no later than 7:00 PM. I don't hear a peep from him until at least 7:00 AM the next morning, sometimes 8 or 8:30. Two hours later the poor boy wants a nap and then after lunch, the same. I started to worry a bit and I had his iron levels checked. They're fine. He's just a sleepy head like his Mama.
ReplyDeleteI'd get plenty of sleep if he didn't need night feedings through the tube to get his calories in...Ugggh. So don't get to excited, Anne!
Merry Christmas Eliza and Ann! I hope you have a great sleepy food-filled Christmas!
ReplyDeleteA sleep strike is the worst...I hope it is just a phase that ends quickly. My three have gone through weird little changes here and there that resolve themselves after a couple of weeks. Hope you are catching some good zzzzz's soon
ReplyDeleteI came across your daughter's website today. She's beautiful and her story gives my family much hope. I am the new mother of 26 week twin girls, who are now 3 weeks old and in NICU. It's been a difficult experience so far and it helps to read success stories like your's. Thank you for sharing your story!