This leaves me with two problems.
1. Between our NY apartment, our house on Saba, my office, my mother's house in NJ and my car I have 33 of these:

Trust me, when your kid's only source of nutrition is formula from a bottle you accumulate quite the collection.
2. The second problem is my beloved mother telling any and everyone who will listen that "Eliza is off the bottle." Now this doesn't sound all that bad, except for the fact that everyone and their mother is under the very, very, very, very, very mistaken belief that Eliza now eats steak au poivre with grilled asparagus.
So to be clear:
Eliza is "off the bottle" but drinks her formula from a cup or the box. Eliza is not "off the formula."
All of you well intentioned and kind folks can stop filling up my voicemail with congratulatory messages that Eliza now eats food. Hope does spring eternal, particularly for my mother, but please stop asking me how Eliza likes her steak cooked :)
This is the closest Eliza will get to steak (the bull not Peter!):