Monday, October 11, 2010

The Perils of Online Shopping with Eliza

Tonight's conversation:

Eliza: Mama can I be a lion for Halloween?
Me: Well we already bought your Flamingo costume.
Eliza: But you bought it on the computer, right?
Me: Yes we did.
Eliza: So put it back in the computer and then we can get a lion costume.

Personally I am holding out that the Flamingo costume wins out over the lion costume.


  1. Maybe you could tell her that in bizarro world, flamingos are lions.

  2. That would compete with the alternative choices of lady bug, dragon and firefly.

  3. You know, one never knows when the perfect nonHalloween occasion might arise in which a girl would need both a lion and a flamingo costume. ;) Just sayin' Hugs & Blessings!

  4. I'm holding out for the flamingo costume--I can just picture how cute she'll look!

  5. Ah yes, this is akin to Gavin saying "just put it on your card" when I tell him we don't have the money to buy something!

  6. She is one smart cookie. I have some things I would like to return to the computer as well.


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