I'll start out this little rant with the disclaimer that I clearly recognize that there are way, way, way too many kids in this country are overweight and eat crappy diets. I get that. I also get that your average 6 year old isn't doing their own grocery shopping so the only way they are getting those crappy, pre-packaged foods are because their parents buy them for them. I also understand that many parents, particularly over worked and under paid parents simply don't have the energy or the knowledge to feed their children better foods. Unless you are over worked, under paid and have no access to a grocery store and a stove, then put your man-panties on and feed your kids a better diet. Or not. Just leave my kid out of it.
If one more adult, who thinks they have cornered the market on healthy eating tells my child that her "milk" (which is a protein drink), her cheese and her peanut butter are not "healthy" my head is going to burst into flames. I have just spent one solid hour trying to convince Eliza that her "growing milk" is healthy and good for her. For the curious among you, Orgain is certified organic and has more of what a kid needs in a day than your average 6 year gets from a freaking Happy Meal, or a "Lunchable" (whatever the hell that is). So if you're lazy and have a bucket of cash, buy a case of Orgain instead of pissing away money on a Happy Meal, your kid's body will thank you.
Why have I spent the last hour convincing Eliza that her growing milk is good for her? Why has Eliza been crying her eyes out for an hour?
Because some people have been telling Eliza that dairy products are not "go" foods, that they are "slow" foods. That dairy foods will make her fat and unhealthy. Really? Really? These people have seen Eliza. Are they really worried that she'll become obese any time soon?
If you are going to tell a group of children what foods are good and what foods are bad and you know that one member of your little audience is a kid like Eliza, who struggles to eat every single day of every single week of every single month of every single year and who gets about half of the calories she needs in a day from something like Orgain, can't you use some common sense and add in a little disclaimer like "too much dairy isn't good for most people, but some people need more dairy, and that's OK for those folks!" I seriously doubt there will be a line of kids clamoring to steal Eliza's Orgain if this disclaimer was issued in a way a six year old would understand.
And please don't tell me that if I put broccoli, or couscous or tofu or a hunk of beef in front of Eliza ten times in a row she'll eat it. Clearly you know jack about pediatric feeding disorders, because at best this tactic might work with a picky eater.
Talk all you want about "go foods" but use some common sense when telling kids what not to eat.
Just know your audience.
Oh man, sorry you are dealing with this! Good luck getting Eliza to listen to you and not "them!"
ReplyDeleteO.M.G. Why must people feel the need to put their 2 cents in?
ReplyDeleteWho even feels this is an appropriate conversation to have with someone else's child??? I would be stunned but I guess I've been following your blog too long. And I'm sorry, but since when is dairy not healthy brain food for children? Especially preemies! As a mom of a preemie who suffered from IUGR, I was, and am, so thankful for the milk that was consumed by my child.
ReplyDeleteWho the heck would say such a thing to such a young child?
ReplyDeleteI think the people who try to impart their nutritional wisdom to a six year old believe they are well meaning, but without knowing the child's history, and just assuming the child is a typical child with no real medical issues and is maybe just a picky eater, their opinions are very misguided. Eliza's Orgain is a huge percentage of her daily intake, it is not just something that I conveniently fill her up with. And now I am once again facing an uphill battle to get her to drink it. Santa's note to her asked her to drink her milk, so I am hoping the power of Mr. Clause has some positive effect.
ReplyDeleteThis is why you are awesome. Went through this with Sam too regarding foods that make you fat and such. He became so anxious about it that he was even worried about the fat content in water. I was so mad and those folks very promptly heard from me on what not to teach my kid. I so feel your pain. I can monitor my kids food intake folks. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteSydney came home from the healthy eating speech day at school concerned that pizza is a 'bad' food and she should no longer eat it. Pizza is one of her most reliable foods. I could have strangled whoever talked to her class about this topic. Sigh. I hope you succeeded in getting Eliza to drink her Orgain!
ReplyDeleteSo...these same folks would probably object to when I actually tried to get my girls to eat a teaspoon of olive oil...
ReplyDeleteWere these well meaning, meddling folks her teachers?
My twins are also formula dependent (Boost Kid Essentials). Their school gave them a booklet called “Potter the Otter.” It is all about how kids should only drink water. It is full of catchy rhymes (in English and Spanish) about how the slovenly goose will drink juice, but ultra-cool Potter will only drink water. The refrain is “Water is healthy; It helps you grow!” After this, they did not want to drink their “milk,” and only wanted water… So they would grow.
ReplyDeleteTry telling kindergarteners that water has no calories and will not help you grow, especially without a caste of cute cartoon characters to back you up! The answer is, “No mommy, they told us at school…” I was so mad and frustrated!
To make things worse this horrid booklet is printed at TAXPAYER EXPENSE and given to the schools (First Five blows it again). And unbelievably two local medical institutions are co-sponsors.
Disclaimer: no they do not actually use the word “slovenly” in a book for kindergarteners. This is my attempt at humor. The rest is 100% true.
ReplyDeleteI have no doubt the book implied the poor goose was "slovenly." :)
You should see the looks I get when N tells me he wants 'chocolate milk'. Um yeah, I'll give it to him, happily and give him more if he could drink it. It's chocolate Vega protein powder in unsweetened organic rice milk.
ReplyDeletePeople want to judge because they feel it will draw attention away from them being judged.