"To be clear, Goldman confirms that all these decisions are made by the CDC, and that the vaccine only goes to
specified high-risk individuals. In addition, as noted by the above BusinessWeek report, 29 companies including Time Warner and others have also been selected as vaccine distribution." (emphasis added)
Here is the entire article:
Does anyone seriously believe that the corporate nurse or doctor, whose salary is paid by Goldman Sachs (or the Federal Reserve, or the New York Stock Exchange, or Citi Group, or Time Warner or (fill in the blank) is really in a position to:
(a) determine who is "high risk" or
(b) has the fortitude to tell some overpaid executive that his high cholesterol or receding hairline does not qualify him as high risk?
Seriously folks, does anyone really believe that Goldman Sachs and their ilk have 200 "high risk" employees? We know there are no children employed and that pregnant women are in short supply on the trading floor, so who is "high risk"? They guy who smoked one too many cigars before hitting the gym and ran short of breath one afternoon?
There are too many people with desperately ill and medically compromised children who cannot get access to this vaccine.
This is just wrong.