2006: Fits in the palm of Santa's hand:

2007: Deer in the headlights:

2009: Starting to think this isn't so bad, but certainly not talking to Santa:

And an added bonus for 2010, the Richter Cousins in their Ugly Sweaters:

2011: The dynamic changed.
Eliza realized that Santa was the key to getting a Wii, and World Peace.
She was very big on World Peace and repeatedly pointed out to Santa that this was an excellent gift, because she loves everyone and everyone should love each other, right?
Luckily for us there was NO ONE at Santaland (I am not revealing our secret since next year the whole world will be there). So Eliza had a bit of time to chat things up with Santa, explain what a Wii was, give him a hug, point out that she was wearing Rudolph the Rednosed Reindeer antlers (surely another reason for Santa to bring her a Wii), and even give him a few kisses. Eliza also decided to give him a thumbs up (over and over again). Anyone who is familiar with Sonic the Hedgehog, knows that this is a classic Sonic move. Clearly Eliza was reinforcing the idea that a Wii with a Sonic game would be the best Christmas present ever.
The Richter Family photo expanded this year to include Peter, Dana, Matthew and Adriana. A good Santa crew!
We splurged and paid the extra $10 for the family photo in front of the trees. The elves get very testy when you try to take your own photo in front of the special Santa trees.
We capped the evening off with a pedicab ride.... but that is a whole other saga for another post.
awww love this post. eliza has grown up so much from when i first started reading your blog. Love her success story.
Ah, I so love that scared Eliza and Santa photo. I giggle every year! I can't believe our little babies are growing up so fast! Absolutely love the "thumbs up!" I think a request for a Wii and World Peace is an excellent one :). Gotta love how the elves got a wee bit bitter over you taking your own photos. Damn testy elves!
ReplyDeleteHilarious. I've enjoyed these annual posts every year, but this one is by far the best. Certainly it deserves a Wii.
ReplyDeleteI need to bookmark this so I can go look at the 2008 picture every time I need a laugh. :^)
ReplyDeleteI,too, enjoy these posts every year and remember the sweaters of 2010. I am very curious about your secret as I've always heard that people wait in that line for HOURS. What ever you've figured out--good for you! Happy Holidays!
ReplyDeleteWonderful! I laughed myself silly when I saw they picture of Eliza leaping out of Santa's lap! That picture is a treasure!!
ReplyDeleteThat 2008 pic will never grow old. Kudos to the alert elf who captured that one just as it went to critical mass! Thumbs up, Eliza! I hope you get your Wii and Whirled Peas.
ReplyDeleteGood to hear that Eliza is warming up to Santa. My daughter (4) still does not want to go near him. She says he has claws and sharp teeth. She doesn't believe the bit about presents either saying, "adults buy presents from stores".
ReplyDeleteMerry Christmas!
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